Definition of Marketing know all the steps with education

Definition of Marketing know all the steps with education 

Marketing is the term used to refer to the set of techniques or strategies used to study the behavior of the markets, the commercial management of companies and the needs of consumers.  This term, although we can find it already included in the latest editions of the Dictionary of the Spanish language, is shown in italics as it is considered an Anglicism or foreign term, whose translation or equivalent is the word marketing, although it is also frequently used as  such, the term marketing.

 The term Marketing is often confused with other types of actions related to advertising.  However, Marketing can be considered as the set of actions or strategic aspects that can be developed in a planned way and cover a multitude of applications beyond simple advertising.  From a business point of view, this set of strategies is called the Marketing Plan.  That is why we are facing a really broad concept that can branch out depending on its application and strategic objective, since marketing can be used both to create a sales strategy, to plan the different impact actions of a brand  or company.

 The Evolution of Marketing and its ramifications

 Over the years, both Marketing and its definition have also evolved, as well as the processes and strategies that encompass it have also been adapted to the markets and new trends and consumer habits.  In fact, figures like Philip Kotler have contributed to this advance, being considered and recognized throughout the world as the world's greatest authority and "father" of modern Marketing.  Already Kotler himself for years, affirmed in a categorical way that Marketing as we know it today, was finished and that without a doubt, it should evolve to something much more in line with our times, in which the immediacy of information and  total segmentation, have completely changed our buying habits.

 In fact, in the era of the Internet, new media and social networks, and in the face of the unstoppable evolution of technologies such as Big data or artificial intelligence of our days, Marketing is becoming a true battle more based on the  information that in the power of sales, so that Marketing is in a key moment of changes and evolution in which, its pillars or principles are constantly being updated or redefined, as well as the guidelines and tools used for any application or  strategy.

 The advancement of these new technologies has been vital to promote the birth of the so-called Digital Marketing or Online Marketing, but in the strategic field, marketing continues to enjoy an enormous breadth of ramifications and segmentation depending on its application and peculiarities.  That is why we can find other terms and definitions such as Social media Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Email marketing, Direct Marketing, Performance Marketing, Sensory Marketing, Field Marketing or even the surprising and most advanced Neuromarketing of our time.  In general, all of them maintain the common denominator of satisfying the need of companies to reach and meet the needs of consumers, as well as to retain potential or their own customers.  There are even debates about whether, through marketing strategies, companies and brands can not only satisfy demand, but also generate new needs in the consumer.

 But, why is Marketing so important?

 In the strategic aspect of Marketing and marketing, there are all kinds of models, formulas and fundamentals that propose which are the best and most effective practices, as well as which are the most important and repeated mistakes.  Some of them popularly known as the so-called and essential "4 Ps of marketing", Product or service (Product), Point of sale or distribution (Place), Price (Price) and Promotion (Promotion).  Basic elements or points applicable to any Marketing strategy.  However, sometimes, the good results of a marketing strategy are only achieved by applying the method of "trial, trial and error".  Therefore, to be successful, sometimes this type of practice becomes mandatory since it can help us to establish or adapt the parameters of our own strategy.

 Marketing is undoubtedly an increasingly important aspect for businesses and companies.  Above all, in a globalized and fiercely competitive world where companies struggle to cover a greater market share with their businesses every day.  Which implies, more customers, higher sales and as a consequence, higher profits.  Without a well-designed or well-defined marketing strategy, few companies can be truly competitive.  It is not enough to have a great product.  It is necessary to know in what way we are going to sell it while being competitive and to approach the market it is essential to implement different planned marketing actions that can help us achieve each of the objectives set.  Without Marketing there is no paradise.

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